
What is the SPEAK OUT! program?

SPEAK OUT! is an individualised voice and speech therapy program, which was designed for people with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and developed by ‘Parkinson’s Voice Project’. It focuses on and teaches speaking with intent. The goal of the program is to improve speech clarity, loudness and to maintain the communication skills of people with PD or similar conditions. It has also been shown to help maintain or improve swallow function.

SPEAKOUT! was designed to address speech issues related to Parkinson’s disease, however it can be used to assist others with a variety of conditions that cause significant problems with voice, speech and communication. Patients with other progressive neurological conditions may be suited for SPEAK OUT! and can benefit by gaining greater control of their voice.

SPEAK OUT! focuses on the motor speech deficits that often result from PD. It was designed to be practical, functional and efficient, and with flexible treatment options. It combines speech, voice, and cognitive exercises with the overall goal being preserving the speech and voice of those living with PD or similar conditions. Most people will only require 8-12 therapy sessions before entering maintenance phase of the program. The maintenance phase involves speech pathology groups to help people maintain the strength of their voices. The speech groups provide ongoing vocal practice, accountability and encouragement.

What does the SPEAK OUT! program involve?

  • Speech Evaluation
  • Parkinson’s Webinar
  • Typically consists of 8 to 12 individual therapy sessions over 4 weeks.
  • Daily home practice
  • 6-week follow up
  • The LOUD crowd – weekly group session